Well, the weekend went pretty well. All weekend long, the legs were feeling Friday's workout. Ouch! Saturday, there was a special Seminar at
Unity Martial Arts.
Shihan Duke Swain taught quite a bit about pressure points. In the morning, the focus was on self defense and how to use the pressure points to make your opponent want to stop fighting. The afternoon was on using the pressure points for healing. Both of these were great. I learned a ton of stuff. Unfortunately, I had to leave before the day was complete. The rest of the class had a chance to learn some Chi Gung breathing.
Today, I rested a bit in the morning and tried to stretch. The legs are still a little sore. Even with that, the weather was too nice not to get out and do something. So, I got in a 50 minute mountain bike ride. I ended up going by myself, but the CARP trails here in Central Arkansas are awesome! The sore legs made it a bit tough, but I just kept at it for awhile. I still had fun.
The plan for the following weeklooks like this:
Monday - Since I didn't get to do it last week, this week will start with Scalled
Nate -
Possible (AMRAP) 15 Minutes of 2 Seated Muscle Ups, 4 Handstand/Bridge Push-Ups, 8 35 lbs Kettlebell swing.
I've got rings setup in the back yard, as well as a weight to use for the kettlebell swing, so this will be a work from home. I'll work on the muscle up progressions from this
Crossfit Kids video.
Tuesday - "Pull Up Complex" -
Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 35 pounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-up
I love this workout. I don't know why, since it usually wrecks me for awhile. I guess I like it because it is so hard. This is scaled to Pack level on the Brand X forum. Didn't want to go puppy, since it didn't look as challenging.
Wednesday - Unity Martial Arts Focus Class - This week's class is on being a "Good Uke". The Uke is the person standing in to help someone practice or demonstrate a technique. Should be informative and helpful.
Thursday - Rest Day - By this day, I'm sure I'll need to take a break. Afterall, the seminar may not have been too physiccally challenging (more mental learning was needed), but Sunday's ride was a good workout.
Friday - Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 - Well, I guess I get to go heavy today. I'll have to be in the gym pretty early to get this before I go swim with the family.
Saturday - Scaled Nancy - 5 rounds for time of: 400 meter run then 25-35 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps. Another workout from home today. This may change, since I may or may not be testing at Unity Martial Arts. Depends on the wife's schedule.
Sunday - If the weather holds, I'd like to get in a good bike ride. Preferrably, it would be a mountain bike ride, since I need to improve my bike handling skills. If not, a good road ride would be cool. If I get rained out, I may just head to the pool and do some lap swimming. Sounds boring, but if you get into it, you can lose yourself in the swim.