Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cardio Day Today

I ended up not needing to help my neighbor with his roof yesterday. This means I just had the planned WOD. I surprised myself a little on the workout. I kept thinking I wussed out by taking some weight off of the Thrusters from my last thruster workout. Must not have been too much, though. The wife thought I was hurting myself while working out. 

I have a cardio day planned for today. I'll try and get to the pool and swim. I still have the roof project to help finish up as well. Mostly, I need to get in bed and get some sleep. I ended up not getting in bed until after 11:00 pm last night. That's too late to really get a good nights sleep.

I need more sleep.

Planned workout:

35 Minutes Cardio (swim)

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Superb Article ABout a Superb Effort

I recently read this article, "The Difference," at AgainFaster.

Reading the article just blew me away. I could feel the tension mount as he described the workouts and the preparations of the athletes. If you read this article and you're not moved, you need to check your pulse.

Hat Tip - Crossfit Affiliate Site

Weekly Planning

I usually use Sunday evening as a weekly planning session. I review what I've done for the past week and look forward to the coming week.

This week should be interesting for the simple fact that I didn't get a real rest day yesterday (helped a friend work on a garage roof) and I have an airsoft skirmish planned for Saturday. This means I'll be pushing through workouts everyday this week. Should be interesting.

Planned workout for Monday is:
Warm Up
5 Rounds For Time of
10 Push Ups
10 Thrusters - 40 lbs
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull - 70 lbs
10 Sit Ups

We'll see if I have more roof work ahead this week. =D

Finished the workout in 16:10, which was faster than I anticipated. Still a smoker of a workout.